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2024 Scholar

Abdulsalam Odofin-Kamorudeen

Physics, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
'Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.' - Carl Sagan
Abdulsalam Odofin-Kamorudeen Headshot

Abdulsalam Odofin-Kamorudeen Headshot

Abdulsalam Odofin-Kamorudeen

My interest in physics was activated by the core fundamentals of the field. I was captivated by how physical observations could be translated into mathematical language, allowing us to build models, make accurate predictions, and deepen our understanding of the universe.

I am most passionate about quantum physics. The potential applications of quantum mechanics in areas like computing and materials science fascinate me. I am eager to explore how these natural phenomena can be used to address real-world challenges.

I plan to pursue graduate studies in physics to further deepen my understanding of the field. My long-term goal is to contribute to advancements that address real-world challenges and drive innovation in both academic and practical applications.

In summer 2024, I had the opportunity to conduct research in quantum sensing at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I worked on building a setup for sensing using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. This setup is part of a larger goal to perform nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy with NV diamonds, which could be used in fields like materials science and biology. Being part of this research has been an exciting and a great learning experience, deepening my passion for quantum technologies.