Jon Bagger
Jonathan A. Bagger is the chief executive officer of the American Physical Society. He earned his bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from Dartmouth, a masters degree from Cambridge, and his PhD from Princeton. After postdoctoral fellowships at SLAC and the IAS in Princeton, he joined the faculty at Harvard and then Johns Hopkins, where he was later appointed Krieger-Eisenhower professor of physics and astronomy.
At Hopkins, Dr. Bagger served as department chair and as vice provost for graduate and postdoctoral programs. In 2014 he was appointed director of TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator canter in Vancouver, and professor of physics and astronomy at UBC. He moved back to the United States in 2021 to become CEO of the APS.
Bagger served as chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee, as vice chair of the DOE/NSF High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, chair of the physics section of AAAS, and as a member of the NRC’s Board on Physics and Astronomy. He also served on the Fermilab Board of Overseers, the SLAC Scientific Policy Committee, the Space Telescope Institute Council, and the Board of Directors of BCNET and of the National Space Biomedical Research Institute. He is a fellow of both APS and AAAS.