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2024 Scholar

Joshua A. Bakheet

Physics, San Diego State University
During my time in the Air Force, a mentor shared something with me that has stayed with me ever since. He said, 'It won’t get any easier from here, but you’ll get a lot better.'

Joshua A. Bakheet

My interest in physics was sparked by the realization that it’s the foundation of everything in the natural world. The idea that the same principles can explain everything from the behavior of tiny particles to the motion of galaxies fascinated me.

I chose to major in physics because it offers a deep understanding of the fundamental forces that shape our universe, and it’s a gateway to exploring a wide spectrum of phenomena. The blend of theory and application in physics and astronomy allows me to satisfy my curiosity about how the universe works while also equipping me with the tools to contribute to technological advancements. I love that physics is everywhere.

I plan to continue on to a graduate program in astrophysics or aerospace engineering. I recently completed an internship at the Applied Research Laboratory at UT Austin, where I worked on designing and testing additively manufactured acoustic metamaterials.