Oluwatise Fagbeja
‘Keep your mind in hell and do not despair.’ - St. Silouan the Athonite

Oluwatise Fagbeja
Oluwatise Fagbeja
I enjoyed looking up at the night sky as a child and thinking about all the amazing things happening beyond our planet. My interest would pique in my science classes whenever stars were the subject of discussion. I thought that picking an astrophysics major would only be natural. I can’t imagine picking anything else for a college major.
My interest started with stars and their existence but has since evolved into a deeper question about how they came to be, about how any of the cosmic structures we have came to be. This is what drives me through college.
I’m considering getting a postgraduate degree and continuing with internships to develop my research skills.
TEAM-UP Together Scholarship Recipient in 2023 and 2024.