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TUTSEC 2024 Speaker

Rachel Nere

Physics PhD student, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Rachel Nere

Rachel Nere is currently a 2nd year Physics PhD student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. As of May 2023, she has a BS in Physics with a minor in English and a certificate in quantum information from the University of Massachusetts, Boston. During the last year of her undergraduate studies, she became a TEAM UP Together Scholar, was the president of her Society of Physics Students (SPS) chapter on her campus and was also considered a McNair Scholar since 2021. She has done research projects in soft matter with liquid crystals, observational astronomy related to galaxies and star evolution, and solar instrumentation, but is currently more focused on theoretical and observational astrophysics in school. After being admitted into graduate school, she became Associate Zone Councilor for Zone 1 and Associate Zone Representative on the Executive Committee of SPS National for 2023-2024. She is also a GEM Fellow as of Fall 2024. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, spending time with loved ones, reading, writing, and playing or listening to music.