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2024 Scholar

Richmond Boahene

Physics, Gustavus Adolphus College
‘Inactions are far worse than wrong actions’ - Sam Sulek

Richmond Boahene

I’m always excited and passionate when tackling new problems that challenge my mind, and that’s where my love for physics really shines.

I’m most passionate about how the tiny elements of the quantum universe come together to create the bigger picture, forming the foundation of our lives.

My future plans for this degree are to pursue a career in engineering, with a particular focus on mechanical engineering.

One of the coolest projects I’ve worked on in my electronics class was building a clapper circuit that controls using a relay. The circuit was designed to respond specifically to a set number of claps, using a relay to turn the light on or off. What made this project particularly interesting was that the circuit only responds to the two of claps, ignoring any other sound patterns.